Convex Optimization Based Sidelobe Suppression for Adaptive Beamforming with Subarray Partition
Adaptive beamforming, convex optimization, sidelobe control, subarray levelAbstract
This paper proposes a convex optimization based method to suppress sidelobe in adaptive beamforming at subarray level. Usually phase shift rather than amplitude tapering is implemented at element level to maximize signal to noise ratio. Nevertheless, sidelobe control can be realized at subarray level. The proposed approach is realized by adding a constraint minimizing the difference between weights at subarray level and element-level Chebyshev synthesis into the optimal conditions. Compared with penalty function method, simulations show that for a uniform linear array, the proposed method can suppress sidelobe level considerably, especially the lobes close to mainlobe. Furthermore, it is able to produce better shaped main lobe, which is extremely close to the referenced pattern.
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