UWB Monopole Antenna with Compact Polygon-Shaped Patch for Portable Devices
CPW-fed, small monopole antenna, truncated ground plane, ultra wideband (UWB) antennaAbstract
In this paper, a small ultra wideband (UWB) antenna with co-planar waveguide (CPW) feed, consisting of a polygon-shaped design on the patch and a ground plane truncated with two mirror rectangular–shaped notches is designed for ultra wideband (UWB) applications. In this proposed antenna, through increasing the number of cuts inside the initial patch, a proper control on the upper frequency of the band can be achieved. The overall dimension of the antenna is 19×19 ×1 mm3 and fed by 50 ? coplanar waveguide. The proposed antenna is developed and its VSWR is compared with the simulated result. The proposed antenna operates in the adopted bandwidth (3.1 GHz-10.6 GHz) with VSWR < 2, and covers it very well from 3 GHz to 14.9 GHz, which provides fractional bandwidths of more than 132%. The effect of the ground plane notch on the optimization of the VSWR is discussed in detail.
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