Planar Magnetic Integration Design Based on LLC Resonant Converter
High frequency, printed circuit board(PCB) transformer, magnetic integration, LLC resonant converter.Abstract
High power density and high efficiency is a major trend in the development of power converters. The main measure to reduce the size of power converter is to improve the working frequency, and the limiting factor is the size of magnetic components. With the development of new semiconductor devices, the working frequency of power converters has been significantly improved, which gives us the opportunity to apply printed circuit board (PCB) winding planar magnetics. Compared with the traditional high frequency magnetics, planar magnetics not only reduce the size of the magnetic components effectively but also improve reliability through repeatable automated manufacturing, which is convenient for large-scale production. Magnetic integration is another method to reduce the size of the power converter. In this paper, a new magnetic structure based on PCB winding is proposed, which integrates inductance and transformer into one component. And the inductor can be independent of the transformer. In this structure, the inductance of inductor and excitation inductance of transformer can be easily controlled by changing the number of winding turns or the length of the air gap. A 20-W 200-kHz half-bridge LLC resonant converter with a peak efficiency of 94.9% is built to verify the feasibility of the designed planar magnetic integrated structure.
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