Triangular Ring Patch Antenna Analysis: Neuro-Fuzzy Model for Estimating of the Operating Frequency
Analysis, neuro-fuzzy, operating frequency, patch antenna, triangular ring patch antenna.Abstract
In this study, a neuro-fuzzy (NF) analysis method is suggested for the estimation of the operating frequency of triangular ring patch antennas (TRPAs) that operate at ultra high band applications. Although the analysis of regular-shaped patch antennas (PAs) such as rectangular, triangle, and circle is easy, analysis of irregularly shaped patch antennas is difficult and time consuming. Here, this great effort and time has been eliminated by using an artificial intelligence technique such as NF. To create a data set for NF, 100 TRPAs with different physical and electrical properties (L, l, h, and εεrr) are simulated by using an electromagnetic simulator program. The currency and accuracy of the proposed approach is then confirmed on the measurement results of a prototype TRPA fabricated in this study. The results of NF model are compared with the simulation/measurement results and previously the method published in the literature.
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