Directivity and Bandwidth Enhancement of Proximity-Coupled Microstrip Antenna Using Metamaterial Cover


  • Mehdi Veysi Department of Electrical Engineering K. N. Toosi University of Technology, P.O.Box 16315-1355. Tehran, Iran
  • Amir Jafargholi Institute of Space Science and Technology Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Ave., P.O. Box: 15875-4413, Tehran, Iran


Metamaterial cover, FDTD


Two major problems associated with patch antennas are low gain and narrow bandwidth. This paper is mainly concerned with directivity and bandwidth enhancement of proximity-coupled microstrip antenna using metamaterial cover. Compared to the patch without metamaterial cover, bandwidth of the antenna is improved about 2.33% and directivity is increased about 9.91dB. The commercial software CST Microwave Studio and a full-wave FDTD numerical technique, developed by the authors, are adopted for the simulations.


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How to Cite

M. . Veysi and A. . Jafargholi, “Directivity and Bandwidth Enhancement of Proximity-Coupled Microstrip Antenna Using Metamaterial Cover”, ACES Journal, vol. 27, no. 11, pp. 925–930, Nov. 2021.



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