High-Directive Patch and Dipole Antennas using Biased Grounded Ferrite
Biased-grounded ferrite, dipole antenna, directivity, Faraday rotation, magnetic loss, patch antennaAbstract
In this paper, a new perfect magnetic conductor (PMC) substrate for improving the directivity of patch and dipole antennas is introduced. We used biased grounded ferrite to construct this new substrate. The most important difference between this substrate and the other artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) structures is the homogeneity. A conventional electromagnetic AMC has a periodic nature and as a result it is not homogenous but this novel substrate is homogenous. The results show that the directivity of both the patch and the dipole antennas is improved surprisingly in the presence of this novel homogenous PMC substrate. The physical reasons for the improvements are also given. Moreover, at the last section, we have calculated the magnetic loss of this magnetic anisotropic substrate.
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