Compact Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Bandpass Filter with Dual Notched Bands


  • Shanshan Gao School of Physical Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, 610054, China
  • Shaoqiu Xiao School of Physical Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, 610054, China
  • Jia-Lin Li School of Physical Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, 610054, China


Ultra-wideband (UWB), bandpass filter (BPF), stepped-impedance resonator (SIR), defected ground structure


A compact ultra-wideband (UWB) bandpass filter with two controllable highly selective notched bands is presented. The modified stepped impedance resonator (SIR) and two interdigital feed-lines realize the UWB passband. The loaded stubs at each side of the modified SIR and the U-shaped slot on the ground plane produce two notched bands at desired frequencies without increasing the total size of the filter. High performance achieved by the proposed UWB filter is validated by both simulations and measurements.


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How to Cite

S. . Gao, S. . Xiao, and J.-L. . Li, “Compact Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Bandpass Filter with Dual Notched Bands”, ACES Journal, vol. 27, no. 10, pp. 795–900, Nov. 2021.



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