Model of Ferrite-cored Driver-pickup Coil Probe Application of TREE Method for Eddy Current Nondestructive Evaluation
Eddy current testing, ferrite cored driver-pickup probe, induced voltage, magnetic vector potential, truncated region eigenfunction expansion methodAbstract
An analytical model of a driver-pickup coil probe, consists of a cylindrical ferrite core, located above a layered conductor is presented. The truncated region eigenfunction expansion (TREE) method is used and the solution region is truncated with a certain radius around markedasmathitalicz axis. First, the magnetic vector potential of each region of filamentary coil problem is derived and solved with variables separation method using boundary and interface conditions, and then the rectangular cross-section coil problem is solved with superposition method. The expression of induced voltage in pickup coil is obtained and can be calculated with software such as Matlab or Mathematica. Using the proposed analytical model, the influence of the excitation frequency and excitation current in the driver coil on the responses of the pickup coil is examined. Experiments are performed, and the changes of voltage induced in the pickup coil due to the conductor are measured at different excitation frequencies and excitation currents. The analytical calculation results agree with the experimental results very well, verifying the correctness of the proposed analyticalmodel.
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