Prediction and Analysis of the Shielding Effectiveness and Resonances of a Cascaded Triple Enclosure Based on Electromagnetic Topology
Shielding effectiveness, aperture coupling, general Baum-Liu-Tesche equationAbstract
A fast analytical method for predicting the shielding effectiveness (SE) and resonances of a parallelly–serially cascaded triple enclosure was proposed. Under the concept of electromagnetic topology, the observation points and the walls are treated as nodes and the space between them as tubes. An equivalent circuit model of the enclosures is derived in which the apertures on the front and rear walls of the two parallelly cascaded sub-enclosures are considered as a pair of three-port networks. To predict the SE at a particular monitoring point, we introduce the position factor. The results of the proposed method have a good agreement with the numerical methods while it is much faster. The proposed method can help in determining SE for cascaded enclosures. We can also find that the resonance effect affects each subenclosure through the apertures, which must be carefully considered inpractice.
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