On Controlling the Passband and Stopband of UWB Band-Pass Filter


  • Tamer G. Abouelnaga 1) Microstrip Circuits Department, Electronics Research Institute ERI, Cairo, Egypt 2) Electrical Engineering Department, Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology HIET, Kafr Elsheikh, Egypt
  • Esmat A. Abdallah Microstrip Circuits Department, Electronics Research Institute ERI, Cairo, Egypt




5G, attenuation poles, Butterworth BSF, Chebyshev BPF, UWB


In this article, the passband, and stopband of quarter wavelength stubs-based Band Pass Filter (BPF) are controlled by a straightforward and new method. This method depends on inserting an attenuation pole and tuning the passband by a Circular Slot Ring Resonator (CSRR) and rectangular slot beneath the BPF’s stubs. Hence, controlling the passband width without any further area usage is achieved. The stop-band rejection level and bandwidth are controlled by inserting Band Stop Filter (BSF) after the BPF such that the used rectangular slots beneath the stubs control the stop-band bandwidth. For verification, third-order Chebyshev BPF and Butterworth BSF filters are used. The proposed filter passband is chosen to cover the sub-6 GHz different 5G bands. The proposed BPF has an ultra-wide 3 dB passband of 2.97 GHz (2.35 GHz-5.32 GHz) and a 20 dB stopband of 4.59 GHz (6.18-10.77 GHz). The proposed BPF filter is fabricated, measured, and the results are in good agreement with their simulated counterparts.


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Author Biographies

Tamer G. Abouelnaga, 1) Microstrip Circuits Department, Electronics Research Institute ERI, Cairo, Egypt 2) Electrical Engineering Department, Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology HIET, Kafr Elsheikh, Egypt

Tamer Gaber Abouelnaga was born in Nov. 1976. He received his B.Sc. degree (1994–1999, honors degree) in Electronics Engineering from Menofiya University, Egypt, M.Sc. degree (2002–2007), and Ph.D. degree (2007–2012) in Electronics and Communications from Ain Shams University. He works as a Researcher (2012–2017) and an Associate Professor (2018 to present) in Microstrip Circuits Department, Electronics Research Institute, Egypt. He works as Students Affairs Vice Dean (2018–2019) and Community Service and Environmental Development Vice Dean (2019 till now) – Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology – Kafr Elsheikh City. He had published 38 papers, 26 papers in peer-refereed journals, and 12 papers in international conferences regarding antennas, couplers, filters, and dividers for different microwave applications.

Esmat A. Abdallah, Microstrip Circuits Department, Electronics Research Institute ERI, Cairo, Egypt

Esmat A. Abdallah (Senior Member, IEEE) graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt in 1968. She received her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Cairo University in 1972, and 1975, respectively. She was nominated as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor in 1975, 1980, and 1985, respectively. In 1989, she was appointed President of the Electronics Research Institute ERI, Cairo, Egypt, a position she held for about ten years. She became the Head of the Microstrip Department, ERI, from 1999 to 2006. Currently, she is at the Microstrip Department, Electronics Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt.

She has focused her research on microwave circuit designs, planar antenna systems, and nonreciprocal ferrite devices, and recently on EBG structures, UWB components, and antenna and RFID systems. She acts as a single author and as a co-author on more than 285 research papers in highly cited international journals and proceedings of international conferences. She has conducted many contracted projects (32 research and development projects) as PI funded by many funding agencies, such as the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (NATRA), National Science Foundation (NSF), Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF), and National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences and Information Technology Academia Collaboration (ITAC). She has six books and seven patents. She supervised more than 85 Ph.D. and M.Sc. theses. She is a member of the National Council of Communication and Information Technology.


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How to Cite

T. G. . Abouelnaga and E. A. . Abdallah, “On Controlling the Passband and Stopband of UWB Band-Pass Filter”, ACES Journal, vol. 37, no. 08, pp. 833–841, Aug. 2022.