Planar Circular Monopole Antenna with Perforated Dielectric Resonator for Notched Ultra-Wide Band Applications


  • Saber H. Zainud-Deen Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufiya University, Menouf, Egypt
  • Ahmed Shaker Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt
  • K. R. Mahmoud Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt


Band notched, dielectric resonator antenna (DRA), FEM, FIT, ultra-wideband (UWB)


In this paper, a planar circular patch antenna is presented for UWB operating characteristics. The bandwidth of the proposed antenna is increased by inserting a perforated dielectric resonator (DR) material with the planar monopole. The design combines the advantages of a small size dielectric resonator (DR) and thin planar monopole antennas. Two antenna designs A and B are proposed. In design A, two layers of the same dielectric material are presented with the same radius and different thicknesses. While in antenna design B, only one dielectric material layer perforated by 11 holes drilled with the same radius is considered. The effects with respect to the geometric parameters of the proposed antennas on impedance bandwidth and radiation pattern are discussed. In addition, the two proposed antennas are designed to have a rejection frequency band from 5 to 6 GHz by inserting two U-shaped slots in the ground plane, where the WLAN service is allocated. The proposed antennas are completely designed and analyzed using the finite element method (FEM), and then the finite integral transform (FIT) technique is used to check the validity of the numerical results.


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How to Cite

S. H. . Zainud-Deen, . A. . Shaker, and K. R. . Mahmoud, “Planar Circular Monopole Antenna with Perforated Dielectric Resonator for Notched Ultra-Wide Band Applications”, ACES Journal, vol. 27, no. 06, pp. 516–523, Feb. 2022.



General Submission