Comparative Study of Analytical and Numerical Techniques in Modeling Electromagnetic Scattering from Single and Double Knife-Edge in 2D Ground Wave Propagation Problems


  • Ozlem Ozgun TED University Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ankara, Turkey
  • Levent Sevgi Dogus University Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, 34722, Istanbul, Turkey


Diffraction, electromagnetic scattering, geometric optics (GO), ground wave propagation, two-way split-step parabolic equation method, uniform theory of diffraction (UTD)


This paper presents a comparative study of some analytical and numerical techniques in the solution of a classical problem of electromagnetic scattering from single and double knife edge above ground. The results of the analytical exact and asymptotic techniques (such as uniform theory of diffraction, parabolic equation diffraction method) are compared with the two-way split-step parabolic equation method (SSPE), through several numerical simulations. Salutary discussions on their capabilities and limitations are presented. Codes used in the simulations are provided in the end.


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F. Hacıvelioğlu, L. Sevgi, P. Ya. Ufimtsev, “Electromagnetic Wave Scattering from a Wedge with Perfectly Reflecting Boundaries: Analysis of Asymptotic Techniques,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 232- 253, June 2011.




How to Cite

O. . Ozgun and L. . Sevgi, “Comparative Study of Analytical and Numerical Techniques in Modeling Electromagnetic Scattering from Single and Double Knife-Edge in 2D Ground Wave Propagation Problems”, ACES Journal, vol. 27, no. 05, pp. 376–388, Feb. 2022.



General Submission