A Broadband Reflectarray Antenna using the Triangular Array Configuration


  • M. Mohammadirad Mohammadirad Department of Electrical Engineering Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
  • N. Komjani Department of Electrical Engineering Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran mohamadirad@ee.iust.ac.ir, n_komjani@iust.ac.ir
  • Abdel R. Sebak Electrical and Computer Engineering Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1M8, Canada
  • Mohammad R. Chaharmir Research Advanced Antenna Technology Communications Research Centre Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K2H 8S2, Canada


A Broadband Reflectarray Antenna using the Triangular Array Configuration


A novel broadband reflectarray cell element is designed for use in several offset-fed reflectarray antennas based on square and triangular lattice. The proposed double-layer element consists of two stacked rectangular patches having two slots in non-radiating edges. Reflection phase curves are obtained by changing simultaneously the slot’s length of top and bottom patch. The designed element exhibits a large phase-shift range in excess of 360o.This wideband cell element is designed to be used in a triangular lattice that eliminates the grating lobes for wideband reflectarrays composed of unit-cell larger than half-wavelength. Two 529-element square reflectarrays and two 518-element triangular reflectarray antennas were designed and simulated using CST and HFSS, for producing 20o and 35o off-broadside E-plane beams using a 20o offset feed. The 1-dB gain-bandwidth is about 30% at the center frequency of 14 GHz, and the maximum simulated gain is about 31 dBi which is equivalent to 51.5% aperture efficiency for a 20o off-broadside reflectarray based on triangular lattice configurations.


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How to Cite

M. M. Mohammadirad, N. . Komjani, A. R. . Sebak, and M. R. . Chaharmir, “A Broadband Reflectarray Antenna using the Triangular Array Configuration”, ACES Journal, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 640–650, May 2022.



General Submission