Analysis of EM Scattering of Precipitation Particles in Dual-Band
Analysis of EM Scattering of Precipitation Particles in Dual-BandAbstract
Simulation of EM scattering from complex precipitation particles shows great importance in both theoretical researches and practical applications. In order to analyze the scattering from raindrops in the Ku-band and Kaband, the T-matrix method is used in this paper. Firstly, a detailed analysis has been illustrated for a single homogeneous rainfall particle model in Ku-band and Ka-band. Then, scattering properties of double-layer rainfall media, such as ice-water or water-ice model, are quantitative analysis. Finally, scattering characteristics of a rainfall group by particle size distribution in a certain region is discussed. Numerical results are given to demonstrate the results of the EM scattering of precipitation particles. It is shown that studying the EM scattering of precipitation particles in Kuband and Ka-band will lead to great significance for the development of precipitation radar in the future
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