Evaluation of Circular Aperture Transmission Coefficients in the Presence Of Obscurations


  • J. G. Davis BAE Systems, Military Air Solutions, Electromagnetic Engineering, W423 Warton Aerodrome, Preston, PR4 1AX, United Kingdom
  • P. Shakespeare BAE Systems, Military Air Solutions, Electromagnetic Engineering, W423 Warton Aerodrome, Preston, PR4 1AX, United Kingdom
  • N. Kiley BAE Systems, Military Air Solutions, Electromagnetic Engineering, W423 Warton Aerodrome, Preston, PR4 1AX, United Kingdom


Evaluation of Circular Aperture Transmission Coefficients in the Presence Of Obscurations


This paper describes a novel parametric approach to the simulation of circular aperture transfer functions in the presence of obscurations at microwave frequencies. A novel virtual ‘absorbing box’ power loss integration technique is applied to successfully demonstrate its validity for conditions where the aperture diameter approaches one tenth of the plate largest dimension.


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How to Cite

J. G. . Davis, P. . Shakespeare, and N. . Kiley, “Evaluation of Circular Aperture Transmission Coefficients in the Presence Of Obscurations”, ACES Journal, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 723–728, May 2022.



General Submission