An Implementation of King’s Green Functions in Thin Wire Scattering Problems


  • Ömer Zor Electronics Engineering Department Uludağ University, Bursa, TR-16059, Turkey
  • Burak Polat Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Trakya University, Edirne, TR-22030, Turkey


An Implementation of King’s Green Functions in Thin Wire Scattering Problems


We investigate electromagnetic scattering from metallic thin wire structures located over planar and spherical lossy dielectric half-spaces by applying Green’s function formulation and method of moments in the resonance region and under “high contrast approximation” (HCA). For this purpose, in the calculations of the impedance matrix and the potential column of the moment system, we employ the Green functions of King valid for arbitrary range under HCA and the asymptotic (far field) Green functions for planar and spherical impedance surfaces delivered by Norton and Wait, respectively. For a verification of the developed codes, the current distributions obtained under plane wave illumination on the arms of a cross shaped thin wire structure are compared to the same results obtained by the commercial software SNEC™. Various illustrations for the scattered electrical field from a thin wire plate located over planar and spherical half-spaces are also presented.


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How to Cite

Ömer . Zor and B. . Polat, “An Implementation of King’s Green Functions in Thin Wire Scattering Problems”, ACES Journal, vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 1024–1038, May 2022.



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