FVTD Characterization of Substrate Effects for Archimedean Spiral Antennas in Planar and Conformal Configurations


  • Christophe Fumeaux Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETHZ, IFH, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
  • Dirk Baumann Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETHZ, IFH, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
  • Rüdiger Vahldieck Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETHZ, IFH, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland


FVTD Characterization of Substrate Effects for Archimedean Spiral Antennas in Planar and Conformal Configurations


This paper describes the application of the
Finite-Volume Time-Domain (FVTD) method to characterize
the influence of the substrate on Archimedean spiral antennas.
The unstructured mesh of the FVTD method permits to model
precisely the fine spiral structure and the thin underlying
substrate. Time-domain numerical results permit to demonstrate
how the substrate affects the distribution of currents propagating
on the metallic spiral arms. The substrate influence in the active
region of the spiral is described through an effective permittivity
which can be related to the transverse mode distribution on the
arm of the spiral. Application of the FVTD method to conformal
spiral geometries is also suggested in three examples


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How to Cite

C. . Fumeaux, D. . Baumann, and R. . Vahldieck, “FVTD Characterization of Substrate Effects for Archimedean Spiral Antennas in Planar and Conformal Configurations”, ACES Journal, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 186–97, Jun. 2022.



General Submission