Response Bounds Analysis for Transmission Lines Characterized by Uncertain Parameters
Uncertain Parameters, Trans- mission Lines, Time Domain Expansion.Abstract
This work is focused on the study of Multicon-
ductor Transmission Lines (MTL) with uncer-
tain parameters; i.e. the values of r, l, c and g
can vary in an interval. The wavelet expansion
in time domain is used in order to obtain an ac-
curate and low cost representation of the line in
terms of an algebraic system. The wavelet rep-
resentation applied to the study of MTL with
variation of the electrical parameters allow us
to easily calculate a set of equivalent distributed
generators, which represent the effects of the dis-
turbance produced by the parameter variation.
This analysis allows us to directly evaluate the
response bounds related to the parameters un-
certainties without performing repeated simula-
tions (Montecarlo Method).
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