An Approach to Multi-Resolution In Time Domain Based On The Discrete Wavelet Transform


  • C. Repres Dpt. of Electromechanical Engineering. University of Burgos. 09001 Burgos. Spain
  • C. Pereir Dpt. of Electromechanical Engineering. University of Burgos. 09001 Burgos. Spain
  • A.C.L. Cabeceir pt. of Electricity and Electron. University of Valladolid. 47011 Valladolid. Spain.
  • I. Barba pt. of Electricity and Electron. University of Valladolid. 47011 Valladolid. Spain.
  • J. Represa Dpt. of Electricity and Electron. University of Valladolid. 47011 Valladolid. Spain.


An Approach to Multi-Resolution In Time Domain Based On The Discrete Wavelet Transform


In this paper, an approach to multi-resolution in time domain (MRTD) is presented. Maxwell equations are discretized using finite differences in time and a derivative matrix in space that allows any desired level of spatial resolution. This derivative matrix acts on the coefficients that represent the expansion field components. These coeffiecents are calculated by means of the Discrete Wavelet Transforms. In this word hard (PEC and PMC) boundary conditions have been introduced into the algorithm using the method of images.


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How to Cite

C. . Repres, C. . Pereir, . A. . Cabeceir, I. . Barba, and J. . Represa, “An Approach to Multi-Resolution In Time Domain Based On The Discrete Wavelet Transform”, ACES Journal, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 210–218, Jun. 2022.



General Submission