Analysis of Moving Bodies with a Direct Finite Difference Time Domain Method
Doppler effect, electromagnetic theory, FDTD method, numerical analysisAbstract
This paper proposes an original and thorough analysis of the behavior of electromagnetic waves in the presence of moving bodies by using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. Movements are implemented by changing positions of the objects at each time step, through the classical FDTD time loop. This technique is suitable for non-relativistic speeds, thus for most encountered problems in antennas and propagation domain. The numerical aspects that need to be considered are studied. Then, different bodies in motion are examined: plane wave source with matching resistors, observation point, inclined partially reflecting surface (PRS), line source, and metallic cylinder illuminated by a plane wave. The results are compared with those of special relativity which are considered as the references. Some aspects of special relativity are present in the direct FDTD approach, such as the independence of the velocity of electromagnetic wave propagation with the speed of the source and Lorentz local time (with a different physical interpretation). It is shown that the amplitude of the electric field for a moving plane wave source does not increase with the speed of motion, if the impedance of the source is small. Moreover, for a moving scattering metallic wire, one can observe a phenomenon similar to shock waves.
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