Design of a High-frequency Antenna Along a Conducting Surface


  • Marius H. Vogel Georgia Tech Research Institute Williamsburg, VA 23185, USA
  • Mark H. Smith Georgia Tech Research Institute Smyrna, GA 30080, USA



Artificial magnetic conductor, broad band, HF antenna, impedance matching, low profile


Antennas in the high-frequency (HF) band (3-30 MHz) tend to be large and almost always protrude from the structure on which they are mounted. This paper will present a design in which the antenna is installed parallel to and close to a conducting surface. To achieve a small mismatch loss, a thin high-impedance metamaterial surface was designed. The bandwidth is enlarged by applying non-Foster impedances between the ends of the antenna arms and the conducting surface.


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Author Biographies

Marius H. Vogel, Georgia Tech Research Institute Williamsburg, VA 23185, USA

Marius (Martin) H. Vogel obtained his M.Sc. in Physics at Leiden University in the Netherlands, and worked at TNO Defense and Security, a Dutch defense contractor. Due to the nature of the research, he obtained a Ph.D. in electromagnetics from Delft University of Technology at that time. A one-year assignment on directed-energy weapons at the US Air Force Lab in Albuquerque, NM brought him to the USA.

He has worked at Ansoft/ANSYS, and later at Altair Engineering, both in the USA, in various roles on a wide variety of applications in high-frequency electromagnetics, propagation and communication. Applications include antenna design, antenna placement, radar cross section, electromagnetic interference, bio-electromagnetics, signal integrity and more. Martin joined GTRI in April 2023 and is based in the Hampton Roads area in Virginia.

Mark H. Smith, Georgia Tech Research Institute Smyrna, GA 30080, USA

Mark H. Smith has over 40 years of experience in RF, microwave, and optical technology and applications, with over 30 years of experience at GTRI conducting and directing research, concept development, analysis, computer modeling, capability development, and testing, with a primary focus on technology and systems for RF sensing and Electronic Warfare. He has been Chief Scientist of GTRI’s Sensors and Electromagnetic Applications Laboratory (SEAL) since 2012. Dr. Smith received his Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology (GA Tech) in 2002, an M.S. from GA Tech in 1987, and a B.E.E. With Highest Honor from GA Tech in 1982.


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How to Cite

M. H. . Vogel and M. H. . Smith, “Design of a High-frequency Antenna Along a Conducting Surface”, ACES Journal, vol. 39, no. 08, pp. 727–732, Aug. 2024.