Non-uniform Feeding Network for a Dual Circularly Polarized 16×16 Ku-Band Antenna Array for On-Move Satellite Communication


  • W. M. Hassan Microwave Engineering Department Electronics Research Institute (ERI), El-Nozha El-Gadidah, Cairo, 11843 Egypt
  • Khalid M. Ibrahim Microwave Engineering Department Electronics Research Institute (ERI), El-Nozha El-Gadidah, Cairo, 11843 Egypt
  • E. A. Abdallah Microstrip Department Electronics Research Institute (ERI), El-Nozha El-Gadidah, Cairo, 11843 Egypt
  • A. M. Attiya Microwave Engineering Department Electronics Research Institute (ERI), El-Nozha El-Gadidah, Cairo, 11843 Egypt


Antenna array, circular polarized antenna, feeding network, Ku-band antenna, satellite antenna


This paper presents analysis and design of a dual circularly polarized 16×16 Ku band antenna array with emphasis on its feeding network. The proposed antenna is designed for on-move satellite communication system where the radiation pattern and the side-lobe level should meet the ITU standards to avoid interference with other satellite systems. This requirement is obtained by using non-uniform feeding distribution network. In addition, dual circular polarization operation requires sequential feeding networks with appropriate phase shift sequences. The proposed antenna is divided into 16 sub-cells of 4×4 radiating elements. The elements inside the sub-cell are fed by uniform dual sequential feeding networks. These sub-cells are connected together via two non-uniform feeding networks on a single layer in the shape of two interlaced fork configurations. In addition, cascaded power dividers are used to achieve the required low power division ratios between some of the sub-cells according to the required feeding distribution. These modifications simplify the fabrication process of the proposed antenna structure and reduce the required layers while satisfying the required radiation parameters.


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Author Biographies

W. M. Hassan, Microwave Engineering Department Electronics Research Institute (ERI), El-Nozha El-Gadidah, Cairo, 11843 Egypt

Walaa M. Hassan B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from Menoufia University in 2002, 2010 and 2016. She is currently a Researcher at Electronics Research Institute (ERI), Microwave Department, Egypt. Her research interest at, FDFD, breast cancer detection, optimization techniques, scattering problems, DRA, transmitarray, reflectarray, solar cell, textile antenna, graphene, and RFID.

Khalid M. Ibrahim, Microwave Engineering Department Electronics Research Institute (ERI), El-Nozha El-Gadidah, Cairo, 11843 Egypt

Khalid M. Ibrahim B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. Electronics and Electrical Communications, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University at 2000, 2007, and 2014 respectively. He joined Electronics Research Institute as a Researcher Assistant in 2001. His research interests include antennas, electromagnetic waves, antennas and wave propagations, ground penetrating radars, antenna and microwave measurement techniques, numerical techniques in electromagnetics

E. A. Abdallah, Microstrip Department Electronics Research Institute (ERI), El-Nozha El-Gadidah, Cairo, 11843 Egypt

Esmat A. Abdallah graduated from the Faculty of Engineering and received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Cairo University, Giza, Egypt, in 1968, 1972, and 1975, respectively. She was nominated as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor in 1975, 1980, and 1985, respectively. She has focused her research on microwave circuit designs, planar antenna systems, and recently on EBG structures, UWB components, and antenna and RFID systems. She has authored and coauthored more than 250 research papers in highly cited international journals and in proceedings of international conferences in her field, such as IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation and IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory Techniques, etc. She supervised more than 70 Ph.D. and M.Sc. thesis. She has been the President of the Electronics Research Institute in Egypt for more than ten years.

A. M. Attiya, Microwave Engineering Department Electronics Research Institute (ERI), El-Nozha El-Gadidah, Cairo, 11843 Egypt

Ahmed M. Attiya M.Sc. and Ph.D. Electronics and Electrical Communications, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University at 1996 and 2001 respectively. He joined Electronics Research Institute as a Researcher Assistant in 1991. In the period from 2002 to 2004 he was a Postdoc in Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech. In the period from 2004 to 2005 he was a Visiting Scholar in Electrical Engineering Dept. in University of Mississippi. In the period from 2008 to 2012 he was a Visiting Teaching Member in King Saud University. He is currently Full Professor and the Head of Microwave Engineering Dept. in Electronics Research Institute. He is also the Founder of Nanotechnology Lab. in Electronics Research Institute.


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How to Cite

W. M. Hassan, Khalid M. Ibrahim, E. A. Abdallah, and A. M. Attiya, “Non-uniform Feeding Network for a Dual Circularly Polarized 16×16 Ku-Band Antenna Array for On-Move Satellite Communication”, ACES Journal, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 115–125, Feb. 2021.



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