Evaluation of Power Receiving Signal of 5G Small Cells for Outdoor/Indoor Environment at Millimeterwave Bands


  • Nagham Hamid University of Information Technology and Communications College of Business Informatics, Baghdad, Iraq


5G small cell, millimeter-wave, NVIDIA OptiX, penetration loss, propagation loss


This paper presents a simulation study of the outdoor and indoor propagation losses utilizing 5G small cells at suggested millimeter-wave frequencies of 26 GHz, 28 GHz, and 38 GHz. The environment of this study is conducted with penetration loss of new and old building characteristics. The simulation is performed with help of 3D ray tracing model NVIDIA OptiX engine and MATLAB. The targeted frequencies are 26 GHz, 28 GHz, and 38 GHz that specified by International Telecommunication Union ITU-R organization. The simulation routes are investigated in term of signal strength at multiple receiving points. The strength angular spectrum are represented for fixed points and the power receiving delay is presented by their attributes. The simulated responses showed an efficient and sufficient outdoor and indoor service might be provisioned at 26 GHz and 28 GHz. The received signals at 28 GHz and 38 GHz are found around 4.5 dB and 11 dB with comparison with signal received level at 26 GHz. However, at 38 GHz the indoor signal strength and power receiving delays demonstrate a weak signal reception which offers a poor solution to indoor user by outside fixed base station.


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How to Cite

Nagham Hamid, “Evaluation of Power Receiving Signal of 5G Small Cells for Outdoor/Indoor Environment at Millimeterwave Bands”, ACES Journal, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 184–189, Feb. 2021.



General Submission