A Broadband Dual-polarized Antenna with CRR-EBG Structure for 5G Applications


  • Peng Chen Information Engineering College Jimei University, Xiamen, Fujian, 361021, China
  • Lihua Wang Information Engineering College Jimei University, Xiamen, Fujian, 361021, China
  • Tongyu Ding Information Engineering College Jimei University, Xiamen, Fujian, 361021, China


5G, dual-polarized, electromagnetic band-gap (EBG), wideband


In this paper, a broadband dual-polarized antenna with concentric rectangular ring electromagnetic bandgap (CRR-EBG) structure is proposed for 5G applications. The antenna consists of a pair of ±45° cross dipoles, an EBG array, and two inverted L-shaped improved feeding structures. In particular the ring part of the feeding structures can reduce the coupling between two ports. The leaky wave area of the EBG structure can be used to increase bandwidths. According to the measured results, the bandwidths of port1 and port2 are 32% (3.04-4.21GHz) and 28.3% (3.13- 4.16GHz), respectively. The port-to-port isolation can reach up to 23 dB, and the average gain is approximately 5 dBi. The antenna has the advantages of a wide band, good isolation and a stable radiation pattern, which can be better used in 5G communications.


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How to Cite

Peng Chen, Lihua Wang, and Tongyu Ding, “A Broadband Dual-polarized Antenna with CRR-EBG Structure for 5G Applications”, ACES Journal, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 1507–1512, Dec. 2020.



General Submission