Concurrent Dual and Triple Band Square Ring Resonator Base-Band Filter using Metal-Insulator-Metal for Plasmonic Applications
BPF, dual band, MIM, PIC, SRR, surface plasmons, triple bandAbstract
Ring resonators are capable of providing high-quality factors with low insertion loss, which are the factors for considering it as a potential technique of guiding signal in the nanometer wavelengths. In this paper, a Nanoplasmonic configuration of a resonator comprising of the square ring known as Square Ring Resonator (SRR) is designed and analyzed for multiple band characteristics. The performance analysis of two different structures of the square ring resonators are presented in terms of the simulation reports like reflection and transmission coefficients, and field distribution plots. The designed Band Pass Filter (BPF) expressed excellent performance in the optical bands and hence are best suitable for Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) applications.
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