Integrated Analysis and Optimization of the Large Airborne Radome-Enclosed Antenna System
AMPSO, HO-OC-DDM, integrated analysis and optimization, parallel algorithmAbstract
In order to realize integrally analysis and optimization of the large airborne radome-enclosed antenna system, a novel optimization strategy is proposed based on an overlapping domain decomposition method by using higher-order MoM and out-of-core solver (HO-OC-DDM), and combining with adaptive mutation particle swarm optimization (AMPSO). The introduction of parallel out-of-core solver and DDM can effectively break the random access memory (RAM) limit. This strategy can decompose difficult-to-solve global optimization problems into multi-domain optimization problems by using domain decomposition method. Finally, take airborne Yagi antenna system as an example, the numerical results show that the design of large airborne radome-enclosed antenna system based on the proposed strategy is convenient and effective.
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