UWB MIMO Antenna for High Speed Wireless Applications
MIMO antenna, omni-directional radiation pattern, polarization diversity, UWB antennaAbstract
The paper proposes a MIMO antenna composed of two elements in the form of UWB monopole antennas. Polarization diversity of the proposed antenna is obtained locating the two elements perpendicularly on a common substrate. Also the isolation between elements is accomplished without using any extra decoupling structures. The two monopoles antennas with half elliptical shape are fed with asymmetric coplanar strip (ACS). The presented antenna is located on substrate 48 × 28 mm2 in total size. The distance between the two elements is 15 mm that is 0.15λ0 at 3GHz. The antenna was designed to work effectively from 3 to 11.5 GHz with reflection coefficient better than -10 dB and isolation lower than 18 dB. In addition, antenna with elements located in parallel was designed to show the advantage of the original design. Envelope correlation coefficient, diversity gain and channel capacity loss document the antennas behavior. The antenna was fabricated and measured. Measurement validated the simulation and showed that the designed antenna can be well applied in UWB MIMO systems.
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