On the Design of a Novel Fractal Antenna for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio
Cognitive radio, CPW feed, fractals, IFS, method of moment, microstrip patch antenna, moth flame optimizationAbstract
The present paper reports on the development of a novel compact fractal microstrip patch antenna for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio. The geometrical design of the proposed fractal antenna is optimized using nature inspired Moth Flame Optimization (MFO) method. The optimized antenna is having broadband characteristic within two bands (6.206 - 7.864 GHz, 23.56%) and (14.95 - 20 GHz, 28.89%), which are specified for IEEE C-band, Ku-band and K-band applications respectively. The proposed fractal antenna is also having high peak gain of 7.26 dBi at 18.04 GHz and omnidirectional radiation pattern at all frequencies. The performance of the proposed antenna is also validated experimentally by having a comparison of simulated results with the measured results. The proposed design offers 45.54% reduction in antenna physical size (copper required) as compare to a rectangular patch antenna of same size.
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