Ultra-Wideband Six-port Network Constructed by 90° and In-Phase Power Dividers
Microstrip-slot, power divider, six-port, ultra-widebandAbstract
This article proposes a six-port network design with an ultra-wideband operation from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. The proposed six-port configuration is constructed by two types of power dividers with different phase characteristics of 0° (in-phase) and 90°. The new proposed configuration eliminates one unused port of the conventional six-port. Both components forming the proposed six-port are designed utilizing the microstrip-slot technique to accomplish the designated UWB operating frequency. The six-port is designed via the use of CST Microwave Studio (CST MWS) and realised by applying Rogers TMM4 substrate. Comparable simulated and measured performances are achieved in terms of S-parameters and phase differences between each consecutive port across UWB frequency range.
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