EIT Images of Human Inspiration and Expiration using a D-bar Method with Spatial Priors


  • Melody Alsaker Department of Mathematics Gonzaga University Spokane, Washington 92258
  • Jennifer L. Mueller Department of Mathematics School of Biomedical Engineering Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado 80523


EIT Images, D-bar Method


The inclusion of a spatial prior in the high-frequency regime of the scattering transform for the 2-D D-bar method for electrical impedance tomography is studied for use with human subject data. The effects and balance of the two regularization parameters for the inverse problem are studied. Results on data from human volunteers reveal improved spatial resolution when compared to inspiratory and expiratory CT scans.


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How to Cite

Melody Alsaker and Jennifer L. Mueller, “EIT Images of Human Inspiration and Expiration using a D-bar Method with Spatial Priors”, ACES Journal, vol. 34, no. 02, pp. 325–330, Jul. 2021.



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