A Compact Broadband Circularly Polarized Slot Antenna for Universal UHF RFID Reader and GPS
Axial Ratio (AR), Coplanar Waveguide (CPW), Circularly Polarized (CP), Global Positioning System (GPS), RFID reader, Ultrahigh Frequency (UHF)Abstract
A novel compact printed broadband circularly polarized slot antenna is proposed in this paper. The antenna consists of an inverted L-shaped coplanar waveguide feed structure and a square ground plate loaded with three rectangular slots. The antenna achieves good impedance matching and circular polarization characteristics by adjusting the size of the L-shaped band and the rectangular slot. The simulation results show that the antenna has a 10-dB impedance bandwidth of 1360 MHz (690-2050 MHz) and a 3 dB axial ratio (AR) bandwidth of 490 MHz (770-1260 MHz). Additionally, the maximum gain reached 4.02 dBi. The antenna proposed in this paper can be applied to UHF RFID and GPS frequency bands.
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