A Differential CPW-fed Ultra-wideband Antenna with Dual Notched Bands
Differential-fed, notched bands, openended slot, UWB antenna, Y-shaped slotAbstract
In this letter, a differential coplanar waveguide (CPW)-fed ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with dual notched bands is presented. The proposed antenna is mainly composed of two C-shaped radiating elements and a polygon slot ground plane. To alleviate the electromagnetic signal interference, two pairs of open-ended slots etched on the ground plane are adopted to reject 3.5 GHz WiMAX band while a pair of Y-shaped slots embedded in the C-shaped radiating elements is used to filter 5.5 GHz WLAN band. Measured results demonstrate that a 10-dB impedance bandwidth implemented is 131% (from 2.57 to 12.31 GHz), along with dual notched bands of 3.29-3.95 GHz and 4.73-6.55 GHz. Furthermore, the low cross-polarization is obtained because of differential feeding structure. Finally, the antenna expresses good radiation patterns in the whole operating band.
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