Experimental Characterization of an All-Dielectric Metasurface with Optical Activity Properties


  • Ali Yahyaoui 1 King Abdulaziz University Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, P.O. Box 80204, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia , 2 University of Jeddah Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, PO. Box 80327, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
  • Hatem Rmili King Abdulaziz University Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, P.O. Box 80204, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia


Dielectric metasurface, optical activity, polarization state


A new microwave all-dielectric metasurface based on elliptic dielectric resonators (EDRs) with optical activity properties was fabricated and characterized experimentally. The 5.12 mm-thick metasurface is composed of two layers of connected elliptic dielectric resonators (Rogers RO3210) with elliptic slots and was excited with two orthogonal polarizations of the incident electric field. The optical activity was studied through two constitutive parameters representing the rotation angle theta and polarization state (eta) of incident and transmitted electric fields through the metasurface. It is found that the proposed design may rotate the incident linearly polarized electric fields over many frequency bands with different transmissions levels. The obtained performances may offer to the device the possibility to be used as microwave polarization rotator.


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How to Cite

Ali Yahyaoui and Hatem Rmili, “Experimental Characterization of an All-Dielectric Metasurface with Optical Activity Properties”, ACES Journal, vol. 33, no. 04, pp. 460–463, Jul. 2021.



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