Assessment of ALEGRA Computation for Magnetostatic Configurations


  • Michael Grinfeld The U.S. Army Research Laboratory Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005, USA
  • John Niederhaus Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA
  • Andrew Porwitzky The U.S. Army Research Laboratory Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005, USA


Electrostatics, exact solutions, magnetohydrodynamics, magnetostatics, verification and validation


A closed-form solution is described here for the equilibrium configurations of the magnetic field in a simple heterogeneous domain. This problem and its solution are used for rigorous assessment of the accuracy of the ALEGRA code in the quasistatic limit. By the equilibrium configuration we understand the static condition, or the stationary states without macroscopic current. The analysis includes quite a general class of 2D solutions for which a linear isotropic metallic matrix is placed inside a stationary magnetic field approaching a constant value Hi° at infinity. The process of evolution of the magnetic fields inside and outside the inclusion and the parameters for which the quasi-static approach provides for self-consistent results is also explored. It is demonstrated that under spatial mesh refinement, ALEGRA converges to the analytic solution for the interior of the inclusion at the expected rate, for both body-fitted and regular rectangular meshes.


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How to Cite

Michael Grinfeld, John Niederhaus, and Andrew Porwitzky, “Assessment of ALEGRA Computation for Magnetostatic Configurations”, ACES Journal, vol. 33, no. 01, pp. 75–78, Jul. 2021.



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