Characterization of 4 Element Compact Microstrip Patch Antenna Array for Efficient Null Steering


  • B. Kaur Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal, Punjab-148106, India
  • A. Marwaha Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal, Punjab-148106, India
  • S. Rani Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal, Punjab-148106, India


Antenna array, isotropic elements, mutual coupling, non-isotropic elements, null steering, Schelkunoff polynomial method


Null steering in radiation pattern of linear antenna array is essential for minimizing degradation in signal-to-noise ratio performance due to undesired interference. High directivity and miniaturization are other key factors for proficient design of antenna arrays. Thus, the development of small sized antenna elements with high directivity is strategic point of interest. Consequently, the four element bowtie patch antenna array has been designed and simulated using IE3D software, and compared with conventional rectangular patch antenna array. Null steering is performed by varying element excitations in isotropic antenna array, rectangular patch antenna array and bowtie patch antenna array with main emphasis on position and depth of nulls to analyze the radiation characteristics of the designed models. The mutual coupling effects at different inter-element spacings are also presented for both the designed arrays. It has been observed that using bowtie patches as the element in the array brings about comparatively more effective null steering, and enhances the performance of the array as compared to the conventional rectangular patches.


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How to Cite

B. Kaur, A. Marwaha, and S. Rani, “Characterization of 4 Element Compact Microstrip Patch Antenna Array for Efficient Null Steering”, ACES Journal, vol. 32, no. 12, pp. 1105–1113, Jul. 2021.



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