Left-Handed Metamaterial Lens Applicator with Built-in Cooling Feature for Superficial Tumor Hyperthermia


  • Yonghui Tao Department of Electronic and Information Engineering Jinling Institute of Technology, Nanjing, 211169, China
  • Erfu Yang Space Mechatronic Systems Technology Laboratory (SMeSTech), Strathclyde Space Institute Department of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management, University of Strathclyde 704 James Weir Building, 75 Montrose Street, Glasgow G1 1XJ, United Kingdom
  • Gang Wang Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Space Information Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China


Hyperthermia, metamaterial lens, microwave, tumor, water bolus


In all hyperthermia schemes with lefthanded metamaterial (LHM) lens applicator, water bolus are used to prevent skin from being overheated during the hyperthermia treatment. Owing to water’s high refraction index, high reflection usually occurs at the interface between low-index LHM lens and water bolus, and between water and skin, which will lead to the low efficiency of hyperthermia. In this paper, we propose a new LHM lens applicator with built-in cooling feature for superficial tumor hyperthermia. Both simulation and experiment demonstrated that microwave hyperthermia with the proposed applicator may concentrate more microwave energy into deeper tissue if compared to hyperthermia with normal LHM lens.


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How to Cite

Yonghui Tao, Erfu Yang, and Gang Wang, “Left-Handed Metamaterial Lens Applicator with Built-in Cooling Feature for Superficial Tumor Hyperthermia”, ACES Journal, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 1029–1034, Jul. 2021.



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