Improving the Efficiency of Computing Electromagnetic Fields from a Lossy Dielectric Cylinder due to a Line Source


  • Grant A. Ellis Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Nazarbayev University, Astana 010000, Kazakhstan


Bioelectromagnetics, creeping waves, SageMathTM, Watson transform, WBAN


This paper describes analysis of electromagnetic fields from a lossy dielectric cylinder due to a line source. Series solutions for the electromagnetic fields internal and external to the cylinder are derived. Convergence is accelerated using the Watson transformation and the “fast_callable” function in the SageMathTM open source software. The series convergence is increased by a factor of nearly 80 using these techniques. Implementation of the Watson transform is also discussed. Applications include propagation analysis for simulating wireless body area networks and communications with wireless biosensors.


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How to Cite

Grant A. Ellis, “Improving the Efficiency of Computing Electromagnetic Fields from a Lossy Dielectric Cylinder due to a Line Source”, ACES Journal, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 855–861, Jul. 2021.



General Submission