An Experimental Study on Microwave Imaging of Breast Cancer with the use of Tumor Phantom


  • Mustafa B. Bicer Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Mersin University, Mersin, 33343, Turkey
  • Ali Akdagli Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Mersin University, Mersin, 33343, Turkey


Breast cancer, breast phantom, imaging algorithm, microwave imaging, radar-based imaging


Nowadays, breast cancer is the most common type of the cancer among women’s diseases. It is the leading cause of death after cardiovascular diseases. Due to risk of uncontrolled reproduction and propagation of the cancer cells, early diagnosis has a crucial importance. Microwave imaging (MWI) is an evolving method and has a variety of advantages such as operating at lower frequencies with a lower power, cost-effectiveness, and providing comfortable measurements without contact. In this paper, an experimental study on microwave imaging of breast cancer with the use of tumor phantom is presented. For this purpose, an experimental setup containing sand, screw and tumor phantom is prepared as replacement of real tissue. Two-dimensional inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) method is used in handling the scattered electric field data from the measurement setup. Inverse radon transform (IRT) method is then utilized to extract the image of the measured scattering electric field data. The resultant images show that the microwave imaging method can be successfully used together with IRT for the breast cancer problem.


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How to Cite

Mustafa B. Bicer and Ali Akdagli, “An Experimental Study on Microwave Imaging of Breast Cancer with the use of Tumor Phantom”, ACES Journal, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 941–947, Jul. 2021.



General Submission