K-band Planar and Low-profile Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna with a Coupled Strip-Slitline Feed Structure
Antennas, Fabry-Perot cavity, leakywaveAbstract
In this paper, a design of a planar, lowprofile, and high gain Fabry-Perot cavity antenna for Kband applications is presented. The antenna is consisted of a frequency selective surface (FSS) made of a circular hole array and a feeding structure made of a coupled strip-slitline. The FSS and the slitline both are lithographically patterned on a high permittivity substrate while the stripline is printed on top of a thin and low permittivity substrate. These two substrates are then closely appressed each other to form a planar structure. The measured results show that the proposed antenna has an impedance bandwidth of about 4% (|S11|?-10 dB), a maximum gain of about 10.4 dBi, and a 3-dB gain bandwidth of approximately 2.9% at the resonance frequency of around 20.8 GHz. The antenna’s compact, planar, and lightweight profile, i.e., approximately 4?o × 4?o × 0.24?o of a free-space wavelength at 21.0 GHz makes it promising for a small and efficient source in K-band applications.
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CST Microwave Studio, CST GmbH, 2016. http://www.cst.com
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