Design of All-Dielectric Half-wave and Quarter-wave Plates Microwave Metasurfaces Based on Elliptic Dielectric Resonators
All-dielectric, dielectric resonator, halfwave plat, metasurface, quarter-wave plate, transmission coefficientAbstract
In this paper, we propose a numerical study for the design of Quarter-Wave Plate (QWP) and Half- Wave Plate (HWP) all-dielectric metasurfaces of relative permittivity 10.2, loss tangent 0.003 and thickness 5.12 mm. The devices based on Elliptic Dielectric Resonators (EDRs) may operate in the microwave band 20-30 GHz. First, we have studied the variation of the metasurface transmission, under x- and y-polarizations of the incident electric fields, when we vary the resonator ellipticity ? in the range 1:1.94. Next, we have optimized the resonator orientation (the rotation angle ? is situated in the range 0:45°) to improve further the moduli of transmission coefficients. Finally, from these previous parametric studies, we have designed QWP and HWP metasurfaces with the selected ellipticities ?1=1.4 and ?2=1.6. For example, we have obtained for ellipticity ?1 that the metasurface may acts as HWP device at frequencies 26.08 GHz and 28.03 GHz with bandwidths 175 MHz and 75 MHz, respectively and as QWP device at 29.02 GHz with a bandwidth of 150 MHz. In addition, the transmission bandwidths of HWP metasurface was increased from 75 to 225 MHz when we vary the rotation angle of the EDR from ?=0° to 10°.
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