Planar Dual-Band WLAN MIMO Antenna with High Isolation
Dual-band, high isolation, MIMO, viafed monopole, WLANAbstract
In this paper, a dual-band multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna with a planar and rotational symmetric structure is presented. The proposed antenna comprises two via-fed monopole antennas arranged orthogonally in cross-pairs. When each monopole is excited, the other can be employed as a parasitic element. By properly adjusting the antenna dimensions, two resonant modes can be generated at about 2.45 and 5.6 GHz. Besides, the radiation patterns of two monopoles are orthogonal to each other, resulting in good pattern diversity and high isolation without using additional decoupling methods. Measured results show that two operating bands ranging from 2.3-2.75 and 5.09-6.16 GHz are obtained, which can cover the whole (2.4/5.2/5.8-GHz) wireless local area network (WLAN) bands. Port-to-port isolation is more than 24 and 22 dB at the lower and higher operating bands, respectively. Envelope correlation coefficient is studied as well.
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