Derivation of the Resonant Frequency of Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna by the Perturbation Theory


  • Saeed Fakhte Department of Electrical Engineering and Center of Excellence in Railway Transportation Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, 16846-13114, Iran
  • Homayoon Oraizi Department of Electrical Engineering and Center of Excellence in Railway Transportation Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, 16846-13114, Iran


Dielectric waveguide model, dielectric resonator antenna, perturbation theory, Q-factor, resonant frequency


Based on the concept of perturbation theory, a modification to the dielectric waveguide model (DWM) is presented for the calculation of resonant frequency of rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (DRA). A large number of simulations are performed using commercial software and the results are compared between those of the DWM and the proposed method. Finally, the accuracy of proposed method is validated by the experimental data available in the literature. Differences between the measured and theoretical resonant frequencies vary by less than 2%.


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How to Cite

S. . Fakhte and H. . Oraizi, “Derivation of the Resonant Frequency of Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna by the Perturbation Theory”, ACES Journal, vol. 31, no. 08, pp. 894–900, Aug. 2021.



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