The Implementation of Numerical Codes for the Analysis of Solar Flux Inputs and the Optimization of Thermal Comfort for a Monobloc Habitat


  • Abdellatif Oudrane Laboratory of Applied Biomechanics And Biomaterials (LABAB), BP 1523 El Mnaour, National Polytechnic School of Oran-Maurice Audin (ENPO-MA), 31000, Oran, Algeria
  • Benaoumeur Aour Laboratory of Applied Biomechanics And Biomaterials (LABAB), BP 1523 El Mnaour, National Polytechnic School of Oran-Maurice Audin (ENPO-MA), 31000, Oran, Algeria
  • Messaoud Hamouda Laboratory of Sustainable Development and Informatics (LDDI), Faculty of Science and Technology, Ahmed Draya University of Adrar, Algeria



Saharan environment, Computational codes, Radiometric station, Solar radiation, Thermal exchange, Thermal coupling.


The purpose of this work is to design computer codes to estimate the different thermal exchanges of the facades of a habitable envelope with its environment in order to optimize thermal comfort. This optimization is based on the use of real climate data from the region under consideration. To achieve this goal, we have developed five fundamental codes in FORTRAN language. The first code consists in Modelling the flow of the heat transfer fluid in the heating slab pipe. The second is designed to model the heat transfer by conduction within the concrete slab. The third is developed for the Modelling of thermal exchanges in a habitable envelope assimilated to a parallelepipedal cavity based on the nodal method. The fourth code is reserved for the Modelling of solar radiation by evaluating the wage flux density on different positions of the walls. The fifth and last code is dedicated to the evaluation of the perfect thermal coupling between the concrete slab and the heat transfer fluid pipes. The validation of the models implemented in the calculation codes was made on the basis of data measured recently for a clear sky of solar radiation at the radiometric station of the renewable energies research unit in the Saharan environment URER’MS of Adrar. The results obtained showed a very good agreement between the calculated values using the computational codes developed and those measured by the radiometric station of the URER’MS during the typical day.


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Author Biographies

Abdellatif Oudrane, Laboratory of Applied Biomechanics And Biomaterials (LABAB), BP 1523 El Mnaour, National Polytechnic School of Oran-Maurice Audin (ENPO-MA), 31000, Oran, Algeria

Abdellatif Oudrane has been working at the Faculty of Science and Technology at ADRAR’s Ahmed Draïa University since September 2019. He has conducted research in the fields of solar thermal, environment and renewable energies. Its largest objective is the detailed theoretical and practical study of exchanges (radiative, conductive and convective) at the level of all building components. His studies are based on the thermo-physical and dynamic characterization of ambient air.

Benaoumeur Aour, Laboratory of Applied Biomechanics And Biomaterials (LABAB), BP 1523 El Mnaour, National Polytechnic School of Oran-Maurice Audin (ENPO-MA), 31000, Oran, Algeria

Benaoumeur Aour was born in 1970 in Algeria. He took the diploma of Habilitation (Post-Doc) in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Oran (Algeria) in 2008. He obtained the rank of Professor in January 2014. His main areas of research are centered on numerical methods for the calculation of structures, the mechanics of materials and biomechanics. He has published in several national and international journals. He has also contributed to the expertise of several scientific research works (doctoral theses, scientific books, publications, communications, etc.) He is currently the director of the Laboratory of Applied Biomechanics and Biomaterials (ENP Oran) and chief of several projects on mechanics and biomechanics.

Messaoud Hamouda, Laboratory of Sustainable Development and Informatics (LDDI), Faculty of Science and Technology, Ahmed Draya University of Adrar, Algeria

Messaoud Hamouda is Professor at the University of Adrar. He received his diploma of Engineer and Magister in electrical engineering from The University of Sciences and Technology of Oran (USTO), Algeria, respectively in 1992 and in 1997. He obtained his Phd degree in electrotechnics in 2007 from The University of Sciences and Technology of Oran. Within the Unit of Renewable Energy Research in Saharan medium of Adrar, he has been managing director for seven years. Currently, he is a Director of Laboratory of Sustainable Development and Informatics.


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How to Cite

Oudrane, A. ., Aour, B. ., & Hamouda, M. . (2022). The Implementation of Numerical Codes for the Analysis of Solar Flux Inputs and the Optimization of Thermal Comfort for a Monobloc Habitat. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 31(02), 155–196.



Original Article