Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Higher Order Refined Composite Beams Using Differential Quadrature Finite Element Method


  • Ihab Eddine Houalef IS2M Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, Mechanical engineering Department, University, Abou Beckr Beklaid (UABT), Tlemcen, Algeria
  • Ismail Bensaid IS2M Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, Mechanical engineering Department, University, Abou Beckr Beklaid (UABT), Tlemcen, Algeria
  • Ahmed Saimi IS2M Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, Mechanical engineering Department, University, Abou Beckr Beklaid (UABT), Tlemcen, Algeria
  • Abdelmadjid Cheikh IS2M Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, Mechanical engineering Department, University, Abou Beckr Beklaid (UABT), Tlemcen, Algeria



FG-CNTs beam, Dynamic analysis, refined third order theory, differential quadrature finite elements method, Enriched beam element


Present paper deals on the free vibration investigation of carbon nanotube-reinforced composite (CNTs) beams, based on refined third order shear deformation finite element beam theory. The particularity of this model is that, it can capture shear deformation effect without using of any shear correction factor by satisfying shear stress free at free edges. The carbon nanotubes are supposed to be immersed in a polymeric matrix with functionally graded pattern across the thickness direction of the beam, and their material properties are evaluated using the rule of mixture. The differential equations of motion and related boundary conditions are extracted using Lagrange’s principle and solved employing a robust numerical tool called, Differential Quadrature Finite Element Method (DQFEM) for the first time, with high convergence speed, fast calculus performance as well as a good numerical stability. The obtained results have been validated with those available in literature, in order to show the correctness of the present model. Afterwards, a deep parametric study is performed to examine the effects of various geometrical and material parameters on the vibration behavior of FG-CNTs beams.


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Author Biographies

Ihab Eddine Houalef, IS2M Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, Mechanical engineering Department, University, Abou Beckr Beklaid (UABT), Tlemcen, Algeria

Ihab Eddine Houalef, Ph.D student in Mechanical Engineering from Abou Beckr Belkaid University Tlemcen, Algeria. He is currently working in the level of the Mechanical engineering department at the same University. Mechanical and structural Engineering, Materials, Composite, Maintenance, Nanostructures and Dynamical Systems.

Ismail Bensaid, IS2M Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, Mechanical engineering Department, University, Abou Beckr Beklaid (UABT), Tlemcen, Algeria

Ismail Bensaid received his B.Sc, M.Sc and Ph.D degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Abou Beckr Belkaid University Tlemcen, Algeria. He is currently working in the level of the Mechanical engineering department at the same University. Dr. Bensaid does research in Mechanical and structural Engineering, Materials, Composite, Maintenance, Nanostructures and Dynamical Systems. He, as an author/co-author, has published more than 18 articles in various journals.

Ahmed Saimi, IS2M Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, Mechanical engineering Department, University, Abou Beckr Beklaid (UABT), Tlemcen, Algeria

Ahmed Saimi obtained his Ph.D in Mechanics of Materials and Structures from the University of Tlemcen, Algeria, in 2017. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at the National High School of Hydraulics Blida, Algeria. A researcher member of Mechanical Systems and Structural Engineering Laboratory, IS2M/UABT. His research interests are: Finite element methods, Structural vibration, Structural dynamics, Dynamics of rotors, Dynamics of rotating machines, computational mechanics, FG materials, Composite materials.

Abdelmadjid Cheikh, IS2M Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, Mechanical engineering Department, University, Abou Beckr Beklaid (UABT), Tlemcen, Algeria

Abdelmadjid Cheikh obtained his Ph.D in mechanical engineering from the University of Tlemcen, Algeria. He is currently a professor at the University of Tlemcen, Algeria (UABT). Research Director in Mechanical Systems and Structural Engineering Laboratory, IS2M/UABT. His research interests are: Materials Engineering, Structural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Structural Analysis, Finite elements Modeling, Structural Dynamics, Simulation, Dynamic Analysis, Modal Analysis, Structural Vibration, Vibration Analysis, mechanical fabrication, tolerancing, CAO, DAO.


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How to Cite

Houalef, I. E. ., Bensaid, I. ., Saimi, A. ., & Cheikh, A. . (2023). Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Higher Order Refined Composite Beams Using Differential Quadrature Finite Element Method. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 31(04), 505–538.



Dynamics of Structures and Vibrations