A Newton–Krylov method for solid mechanics


  • N. Tardieu LAMSID, EDF-R&D, 1 av du Gal de Gaulle, 92141 Clamart Cedex, France; bNECS, 196 rue Houdan, 92330 Sceaux, France
  • E. Cheignon LAMSID, EDF-R&D, 1 av du Gal de Gaulle, 92141 Clamart Cedex, France; bNECS, 196 rue Houdan, 92330 Sceaux, France




Newton’s method, iterative solver, preconditioning


In this article a Newton–Krylov method is discussed, which is part of the inexact Newton’s methods family. They combine iterative solution methods, especially Krylov methods (conjugate gradient, GMRES, etc.) with the Newton’s method, whereas, in solid mechanics, direct solvers are often preferred for the solution of linearised systems. After having introduced a versatile and robust preconditioner, we discuss the efficiency of this approach on a highly non-linear industrial problem.


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How to Cite

Tardieu, N., & Cheignon, E. . (2012). A Newton–Krylov method for solid mechanics. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 21(3-6), 374–384. https://doi.org/10.13052/17797179.2012.721501



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