Iterative method for solving fully-coupled fluid solid systems
Application to simulation of cylinder flutter
iterative solver, flow-induced vibration, flutter, dynamic instabilityAbstract
This work is concerned with the modelling of the interaction of a fluid with a rigid or a flexible elastic cylinder in the presence of axial or cross-flow. A partitioned procedure is involved to perform the computation of the fully-coupled fluid solid system. The fluid flow is governed by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and modeled by using a fractional step scheme combined with a co-located finite volume method for space discretisation. The motion of the fluid domain is accounted for by a moving mesh strategy through an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulation. Solid dyncamics is modeled by a finite element method in the linear elasticity framework and a fixed point method is used for the fluid solid system computation. In the present work two examples are presented to show the method robustness and efficiency.
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