Parameter identification for anisotropic plasticity model using digital image correlation
Comparison between uni-axial and bi-axial tensile testing
digital image correlation, material identification, inverse modellingAbstract
The basic principle of the described procedure for plastic material identification is the generation of a complex and heterogeneous deformation field, which is measured by digital image correlation (DIC) and compared to Finite Element (FE) simulations. In this paper two tests for the identification of the hardening behaviour and the yield locus of DC06 steel are compared: a uni-axial test on a perforated rectangular specimen and a bi-axial tensile test on a cruciform specimen. The work hardening of the material is assumed to be isotropic and the yield locus is modelled by the anisotropic Hill48 criterion. The identification results for the different material parameters, based on both the uni- and the bi-axial test, are discussed and show a significant agreement.
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