Optimisation de la chaîne complète du procédé de moulage par injection métallique

Application à une prothèse de hanche


  • Ghassane Ayad Institut FEMTO-ST Département de Mécanique Appliquée ENSMM Besançon 24 chemin de l’Epitaphe F-25030 Besançon
  • Thierry Barriere Institut FEMTO-ST Département de Mécanique Appliquée ENSMM Besançon 24 chemin de l’Epitaphe F-25030 Besançon
  • Jean-Claude Gelin Institut FEMTO-ST Département de Mécanique Appliquée ENSMM Besançon 24 chemin de l’Epitaphe F-25030 Besançon




powder injection moulding, optimization, response surfaces, genetic algorithm, and parametric identification


This paper is related to the parametric identification and optimization of the injection moulding and sintering stage of the Metal Injection Moulding process. The injection stage is described using a biphasic flow formulation, whereas the sintering mechanism by solid state diffusion is accounted through a viscoplastic type material model. The accuracy of the numerical results of the injection moulding or sintering stages is strongly dependent on the identification of physical parameters entering in the models. In this paper one propose to combine the optimization of the injection moulding stage with the parametric identification of the sintering stage in order to determine the size of the mould cavities in order to get components without defects and with the appropriate resulting geometrical sizes and mechanical properties.


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How to Cite

Ayad, G. ., Barriere, T. ., & Gelin, J.-C. (2008). Optimisation de la chaîne complète du procédé de moulage par injection métallique: Application à une prothèse de hanche. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 17(3), 397–422. https://doi.org/10.13052/REMN.17.397-422



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