A substructured FE/XFE method for stress intensity factors computation in an industrial structure


  • Eric Wyart Cenaero Rue Jean Mermoz 30 B-6041 Gosselies
  • Danielle Coulon Cenaero Rue Jean Mermoz 30 B-6041 Gosselies
  • Philippe Martiny Cenaero Rue Jean Mermoz 30 B-6041 Gosselies
  • Thomas Pardoen Department of Material Science and Processes Université catholique de Louvain B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
  • Jean-François Remacle Department of Civil Engineering Université catholique de Louvain B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
  • Frédéric Lani Cenaero Rue Jean Mermoz 30 B-6041 Gosselies




X-FEM, level set, FETI, substructuring method, domain decomposition


The introduction of the eXtended Finite Element Method (X-FEM) into a commercial Finite Element (FE) software was achieved through a substructuring method. For fracture mechanics problems, the domain is decomposed into cracked and safe subdomains which are solved by the XFE-code and the FE-software, respectively. The interface problem is solved using a FETI solver. The new approach is compared with a classical FE-approach in the case of a planar crack in a compressor drum of a turbofan engine.


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How to Cite

Wyart, E. ., Coulon, D., Martiny, P. ., Pardoen, T. ., Remacle, J.-F. ., & Lani, F. . (2007). A substructured FE/XFE method for stress intensity factors computation in an industrial structure. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 16(2), 199–212. https://doi.org/10.13052/REMN 16/2007



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