Relative Young’s modulus identification using elastography


  • Jérôme Fehrenbach Laboratoire MIP UMR 5640, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse cedex 4
  • Mohamed Masmoudi Laboratoire MIP UMR 5640, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse cedex 4
  • Rémi Souchon Unité de recherche INSERM U556, 151 cours Albert Thomas, 69424 Lyon cedex 03
  • Philippe Trompette Unité de recherche INSERM U556, 151 cours Albert Thomas, 69424 Lyon cedex 03


elastography, medical imaging, topological optimization, inverse problems, elasticity, echography


Some biological tissues like the prostate can be considered as a linear isotropic medium, at least for small strains. An interesting problem - from the medical point of view - is to detect heterogeneities where the Young’s modulus takes a different value from the background. A homogeneous medium is considered here, except in some regions where Young’s modulus takes a different value. A method is proposed to reconstruct an approximation of relative Young’s modulus, that is the ratio of Young’s moduli. The main tool is a general method for inverse problems: it is an implementation of Gauss-Newton’s method that uses few memory and few computations, based on the use of direct and adjoint derivative. This method is illustrated with experimental results on a gelatin phantom: the regularization property of Gauss-Newton’s algorithm allows to locate the larger heterogeneities.


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How to Cite

Fehrenbach, J. ., Masmoudi, M. ., Souchon, R. ., & Trompette, P. (2006). Relative Young’s modulus identification using elastography. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 15(1-3), 167–174. Retrieved from



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